Ghosts and Spirits Tarot Deck follows the structure of traditional tarot with 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana cards. Also included is a special bonus card for questions that require deeper reflection. Lisa Hunt’s booklet provides a brief synopsis of the story associated with each card. The descriptions...
Rider-Waite Tarot has set the standard for hundreds of other tarot decks, which follow the archetypal images created by Pamela Colman Smith in 1909. Her vibrant drawings continue to appeal to tarot lovers, especially those learning the tarot symbolism for the first time. The full pictorial images on all 78...
One of Llewellyn's bestselling tarot decks has been updated with brilliantly refreshed artwork. With borderless cards, richer colors, and stylish design improvements, the deck retains its powerful readability with a more contemporary look to engage its many fans and new users alike. Following the RWS style and abounding with medieval...
One of Llewellyn's bestselling tarot decks has been updated with brilliantly refreshed art and an updated guidebook. With borderless cards, richer colors, and stylish design improvements, the deck retains its powerful readability with a more contemporary look to engage its many fans and new users alike. Following the RWS style...
This fun mini-edition of the bestselling Gilded Tarot Royale is perfect for on-the-go readings. Small enough to fit in a pocket or a purse, you can carry your deck everywhere. It also makes a great gift or stocking stuffer for tarotists. Whether you are an expert reader or just starting...
The new deck of Fabio Listrani, after the overwhelming positive Kick starter campaign, reached the wider public. Goetia is a deck about De mons, extracted from the esoteric lore of the Lesser Key of Salomon, but seen in a modern psychological way. As darkness is none other than a path...
The gold-foil details of this outstanding deck perfectly complement the elegant designs and gracefully curved lines of the classic art nouveau style. Artist Giulia F. Massaglia captures the essence of the RWS symbolism and makes it truly sacred with her immaculate illustrations. Whether you're reading for yourself, for friends, or...
The 22 Major Arcana of the bestselling Golden Art Nouveau Tarot, now collected in an oversize format that perfectly showcases the glorious and stunning beauty of Giulia Massaglia's Art Nouveau works, embellished with gold foil embossing. Art by Giulia F. Massaglia, 22 gold-embossed cards, 80x139 mm. Multilingual edition. Included: 22...
With the gold foil replaced by gold printing ink, the Golden Art Nouveau Tarot is finally in the mini edition. One of the most beautiful decks of the recent years, it is a continue surprise, gorgeous card after gorgeous card, following strictly the traditional meanings for the easiest interpretation. 78...
With charm, elegance and a twinkling eye, the black cats of artist Helena de Almeida slink into our hearts. The lovingly designed cards, based on the tarot of A.E. Waite, show the velvet paws magical, graceful and free, but also fierce and strong. The numerous details of each card, the...
A great Master reinterprets a painter rich in mysterious meaning. The symbols present in the works of Botticelli express, in a concealed way, a harmonious vision of Nature, that unites the ideals of beauty with an esoteric and religious dimension. These cards reveal, to an attentive observer, a truth that...
Since its inception over 100 years ago, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn has continued to be the authority on the initiatory and meditative teachings of the Tarot. This Tarot incorporates all of the temple symbolism needed for use in the Golden Dawn rituals.Created at the behest of the...