Bonefire Tarot cards and guidebook are styled for the serious life explorer, identifying important symbols and key thoughts visually, so you may intuitively read the cards and demystify your own journey. The Minor suits have their own look and set of common symbols and are concerned with life’s little details....
These fantastic images, inspired by the Flemish painter Hieronymus Bosch, describe a world which is not unreal even though it might seem so. They actually express the psyche's daily activity through the use of human, animal, and plant allegories. The Bosch Tarot allows a door to the unconscious to be...
This text explores the relationships between the Tarot, kabala, astrology and ancient numerology. Integral to this system is the correspondence of the 12 zodiacal signs and 36 decanate constellations with the Major and Minor Arcana.The Brotherhood of Light Tarot deck also integrates the symbolism of colors and geometric shapes. The...
Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft has influenced and guided countless students, coven initiates, and solitaries around the world. One of modern Wicca's most recommended books, this comprehensive text features a step-by-step course in Witchcraft, with photographs and illustrations, rituals, beliefs, history, and lore, as well as instruction in spellwork, divination, herbalism,...
In every generation, there is a chosen one—explore your destiny like Buffy the Vampire Slayer with this magical and bold take on the traditional 78-card tarot deck. This set features the heroes you love, casting Buffy, Willow, Angel, Spike, Xander, Giles, and more in gorgeous original illustrations based on classic...
Explore your potential, develop your psychic sense! While everyone is natural psychic, psychic ability must be nurtured and learned. Everyone can improve their innate psychic sense. This 90-Day Plan is designed to help readers take small steps each day, so that, in just three months, they can learn everything they...
Butterflies are creatures of hope. They remind you that struggles and endings are signs of something beautiful and new about to be born. These cards contain affirmations to help you remember the courage and happiness within you. They inspire you to be wise, to be brave, to relax and to...
Fomori, Tuatha d Danann, Ulaid, Fianna. these are the names of the main descendents of heroes talked about in the legends of the Celts. These cards tell about the feats of that ancient people whose close relationship with the spiritual dimension of nature was only recently re-evaluated. The Celtic Tarot...
Whenever we want to change something in our lives or need to make important decisions, it often depends on the right time to do so. The Cards of Time can provide assistance in the process, if we use them as a mirror of our consciousness and our situation. Then they...
Carrot Cards - now you can use good old rabbit wisdom to look at your tomorrow or to solve the situations you have today! These 54 gentle-spirited black-and-white illustrations will take you through the mystical burrow to find possibilities in the present, or you can sniff the supernatural winds for...
Carry Me Crystals Through the power of intention and the creative use of thoughts and words, these 44 colorful and powerful cards can remedy this for you! Using your intention, carrying a crystal card is like carrying the physical gemstone. The cards also give a crystal description and provide sound...
This complete 86-card Cary-Yale Visconti Tarocchi deck includes facsimile reproductions of 67 extant 15th century cards, plus 19 cards recreated to replace missing cards from the original pack. The 24 court cards are of particular interest because they include both male and female knights and pages. The 67 extant cards,...