Have you always wanted to learn more about Wicca but didn’t know where to start? Start learning today with this beautiful, amply illustrated book. Hardcover, 152 pages. Size: 16 x 23.7 x 2 cm (6.29 x 9.3" x 0.78"). Weight of the book (approx): 530 g. (1.16 lb). Includes images...
Ana’s Crystal Oracle is a playful divinatory game that introduces lithography and delves into the the wisdom and healing properties of crystals. This unique deck guides you to explore a modern divinatory practice for your introspective journey. This 80-card game includes 67 divination cards with each colorful card thematically related...
On the unpredictable path of life, who wouldn't wish for a loving friend to hold our hand for every decision we make or every doubt we have? Discover the Anamchara, your spirit guardian who always walks beside you, and free yourself of prejudice and limiting beliefs. Anamchara Oracle will guide...
This stunning 48-card oracle celebrates the Witch’s body and how it unites the material and metaphysical worlds. Check the pulse on different areas of your life with cards featuring systems of the magical body, lunar and solar events, senses, and more. This deck helps you pinpoint what needs your attention...
Answer the call of the ancestors to connect to their wisdom, discover their truths and accept their support. The knowledge of those who came before us can never be lost. It is alive within our hearts, our souls and our DNA. Tap into love and learning from spirits past with...
The Ancestral Path Tarot by Julie Cuccia-Watts threads together the diverse beliefs of various cultures in order to find commonalities of experience between them. It examines the traditions of our ancestors through mythology to reclaim a personal spirituality that enables us to perceive the divine in ourselves and others. The...
Ancient Animal Wisdom oracle set brings the energy and insight of 38 different African animal spirit guides into your life to help you connect with your own intuition and find clarity. Each magnificent creature communicates a powerful message through Jada Fire’s vibrant artwork and Stacy James’ inspirational passages. Included: 38...
Italy has stood out over the centuries for beautiful Tarot decks directly derived from the first models of the fifteenth-century. Artistic talent and Italian imagination are concentrated in this deck, whose sophistication and symbolic synthesis still amaze, making it an excellent tool for divining. Included: 78 cards. Cards size: 6.6...
An ancient civilization comes to life in these theatrical images. Brave warriors, proud emperors, skilled craftsmen and ordinary citizens show us the wonders of Rome. Take a walk in the Rome that once was and marvel at its extraordinary successes Included: 54 playing cards. Cards size: 88 x 58 mm...
Angel Affirmations Cards combines Divine energy with the power of affirmations. It uses the same format as Louise Hay’s best-selling affirmation deck, Power Thought Cards, but pairs the affirmations with messages from archangels, guardian angels, and special purpose angels. The vibrant art focuses on colorful, energetic representations of angels rather...
Sometimes, you need a simple and to-the-point answer to your questions, such as "Is it 'yes' or 'no'?" and "When will I get that job, meet my soul mate, move to a better location, and so on?" This card deck offers you trustworthy guidance when a short-but-sweet response is required....
A pocket-sized, portable version of Radleigh Valentine's popular oracle deck, featuring trustworthy guidance from your guardian angels paired with beautiful artwork. This oracle deck offers you trustworthy guidance when a short-but-sweet response is required. With 44 beautifully illustrated cards and step-by-step instructions in the accompanying guidebook, you'll clearly receive your...