This illustrated companion book to Chrysalis Tarot explores the spiritual journey of self-discovery and transformation that leads to higher consciousness. Part I examines the magic and energy of the Otherworld that guides you on this journey. Each of the five chapters focuses on a character from the Chrysalis Tarot illustrated...
From award-winning author and artist Kris Waldherr, The Goddess Tarot Book is an indispensable guide to mastering the language of feminine symbols and ancient mysticism used in the best-selling The Goddess Tarot Deck. Book has 208 pages. Book size: 17.8 x 12 cm (7" x 4.7"). Weight of the book:...
A Textbook Of Mystical Philosophy The Qabalistic Tarot is both a textbook and a valuable sourcebook on the symbols of the Western Hermetic Qabalah, a corpus of mystical ideas, which have, for centuries, exerted a powerful influence on the development of Western thought. Dr. Wang traces the development of Qabalistic...
Talented artist Patrick Valenza presents uniquely alternative interpretations of traditional tarot with symbolism inspired by childhood dreams and visions. This fully illustrated book takes you behind the scenes of Deviant Moon to glimpse the creative inspiration and artistic technique that gave rise to this popular tarot deck. Patrick also offers...