Weiser Books - For over 65 years has been the premier publisher of books and cards on a wide range of topics from divination and witchcraft to alchemy, astrology, ceremonial magick, folk magic, Kabbalah, Paganism, and the tarot. It was started in the back of the Samuel Weiser Bookstore in 1957 in New York City. The company is currently based in Boston, Massachusetts, and is now an imprint of Red Wheel/Weiser, a publishing group that also includes Conari Press and Disinformation Books.
We are living in strange times. The US Navy now admits that UFOs exist, ghost hunters abound, and experts in the paranormal and quantum physics fields are arriving at the same conclusion: all of these seemingly disparate phenomena are related. Strange times call for strange tools. Here you’ll find guidance...
The stars and constellations have long been regarded as gods, sacred ancestors, and powerful entities. This beautiful fifty-six-card deck is comprised of playing cards that have been revived and remastered from original illustrations by John Lenthall, published in 1717. The focus of the Starlore Arcana is the mythology and folklore...
The Shining Tribe Tarot cards are steeped in symbolism drawn from culturally diverse systems including Neolithic rock art, Native American and African shamanism, Aboriginal art, the Kabbalah, Jungian psychology, and the traditional Tarot. The accompanying book includes detailed descriptions of the origin and history of the symbols depicted on each...
The Alchemical Visions Tarot and this accompanying book present the cards as a journey— or rather, as a process known in alchemy asthe Great Work (Magnum Opus). The ancient alchemists used thisterm to describe working with the prima materia to create the Philosopher’s Stone. But here we are not concerned...
Tarot has always been a vehicle for storytelling, a way to see and understand human experience. The creative potential of tarot is as varied as the people who work with it. THE UNCOMMON TAROT is a contemporary reimagining of the rich symbolism of the Rider Waite Smith tarot. Shaheen Miro's...
WANDERER'S TAROT was born out of the desire for a tarot deck centred in feminine wisdom and elemental magic. The tarot holds limitless wisdom for spiritual beings of our age, as we face unprecedented changes and opportunities for transformation. The cards are based on traditional tarot symbolism, which has been...
The Weiser Tarot is a new edition of the most popular and influential Tarot art ever created, the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, first published in 1909. The cards have been newly repainted--while, of course, preserving Pamela Colman Smith's original line art--creating a fresh, flowing aesthetic. Additionally, the cards provide Hebrew and astrological...
THE RELATIVE TAROT features vintage 19th-century photographs of ancestors from a wide array of ethnic origins and various walks of life. Its aim is to help you discover your true potential by connecting you with your beloved ancestors. The ancestors come together in the spirit of providing not only answers...