Weiser Books - For over 65 years has been the premier publisher of books and cards on a wide range of topics from divination and witchcraft to alchemy, astrology, ceremonial magick, folk magic, Kabbalah, Paganism, and the tarot. It was started in the back of the Samuel Weiser Bookstore in 1957 in New York City. The company is currently based in Boston, Massachusetts, and is now an imprint of Red Wheel/Weiser, a publishing group that also includes Conari Press and Disinformation Books.
We are living in strange times. The US Navy now admits that UFOs exist, ghost hunters abound, and experts in the paranormal and quantum physics fields are arriving at the same conclusion: all of these seemingly disparate phenomena are related. Strange times call for strange tools. Here you’ll find guidance...
The stars and constellations have long been regarded as gods, sacred ancestors, and powerful entities. This beautiful fifty-six-card deck is comprised of playing cards that have been revived and remastered from original illustrations by John Lenthall, published in 1717. The focus of the Starlore Arcana is the mythology and folklore...
Wyrd Sisters invites us to take our divination practice further, through activating our desires in concert with the universe. The Wyrd Sisters are the ancient deities who dwell at the roots of the world tree and set the order of the cosmos through their spinning, weaving, and cutting of the...
The Shining Tribe Tarot cards are steeped in symbolism drawn from culturally diverse systems including Neolithic rock art, Native American and African shamanism, Aboriginal art, the Kabbalah, Jungian psychology, and the traditional Tarot. The accompanying book includes detailed descriptions of the origin and history of the symbols depicted on each...
Your collective family of ancestor archetypes awaits you in The Beloved Dead oracle. They will have a lot to say about your day-to-day interactions, interpersonal dynamics, and inner life. Ask the Beloved Dead a question and connect with consciousness that has left the land of form and now resides energetically...
This divination kit contains two oracles: a Kipper and a Lenormand. When used together they provide the highest, fullest degree of possible interpretation. Unlike tarot and oracle decks, which are read intuitively, Lenormand cards are read metaphorically, and Kipper cards are read quite literally. Lenormand deals with the outer world,...
"Reading Tarot" not only teaches you how to perform tarot readings but also provides clarity on what matters the most in your life. Whether offering insight into relationships and careers paths or providing a sense of calm and clarity for the day, reading tarot cards is an easy way to...
In over 350 illustrations, selected by the author, Pollack presents samples of Tarot cards ranging from the 15th-century Sforza to contemporary decks. Taking advantage of the Tarot’s most distinctive feature—its artistry—this book creates a breathtaking overview as we walk with Pollack through the landscape of Tarot. In words and images...
Originally published in 2003, Understanding Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot has proved to be the essential guide to accessing the unique symbolism and meaning of Aleister Crowley’s remarkable tarot deck along with the deeply textured artwork of Lady Frieda Harris. Crowley authority Lon Milo DuQuette starts by providing an insightful historical...
Most all tarot books present card-by-card interpretations as well as an instruction on how to read spreads. This book takes the next logical step inward by presenting the art of reading in a workbook format, and helps you learn to interpret the cards intuitively. The book falls into two parts....
A classic guide to one of the most popular Tarot decks, showing how the tarot symbology mirror the inner reality of our personal and spiritual path. Tarot: Mirror of the Soul provides an accessible, in-depth guide to the Crowley/Harris Thoth Tarot. It explores different ways of working Thoth Tarot, guiding...
In this new edition of the classic work on Tarot and Jungian symbolism, Sallie Nichols demonstrates how to approach any Tarot deck via the archetypes and Jung's methods of word association, active imagination, and dialogue. Nichols explores symbolic meanings relevant to everyone and lessons regarding the human condition, psychological states,...