Weiser Books - For over 65 years has been the premier publisher of books and cards on a wide range of topics from divination and witchcraft to alchemy, astrology, ceremonial magick, folk magic, Kabbalah, Paganism, and the tarot. It was started in the back of the Samuel Weiser Bookstore in 1957 in New York City. The company is currently based in Boston, Massachusetts, and is now an imprint of Red Wheel/Weiser, a publishing group that also includes Conari Press and Disinformation Books.
First published in 1998, Joan Bunning’s Learning the Tarot has become a tarot classic. Written in a confident and natural style, the book communicates the basic depth and beauty of each card, shows how the cards trigger psychological projection, and enhances intuition. Learning the Tarot is a thorough (but never...
Used for many years by students of the occult for study of the tarot and as a key to all Western mystery traditions, The Book of Thoth is on the short list of must-have textbooks for modern students of the tarot and esoteric studies. “The Tarot is a pictorial representation...
This tarot classic by Mary K. Greer was the first book to promote reading the cards for your own insight, revolutionizing tarot through a combined emphasis on self-teaching techniques and personal growth. Tarot for Your Self uses meditations, rituals, spreads, mandalas, visualizations, dialogues, charts, affirmations, and other activities to help...
While there are countless books devoted to tarot, what sets Joan Bunning’s book apart is her ability to take a rather complicated esoteric system and break it down into clear, manageable, and easy-to-learn lessons. These lessons cover the basics and then move gradually into more advanced concepts. The book includes: Lessons...
The Lunar Nomad Oracle is a set of keys for unlocking and understanding your intuitive side, your "lunar self." As a nomad on the path of the lunar self, you will awaken your sense of wonder and discover your creative desires to facilitate introspection, awareness, and lasting change. The Lunar...
The Alchemical Visions Tarot and this accompanying book present the cards as a journey— or rather, as a process known in alchemy asthe Great Work (Magnum Opus). The ancient alchemists used thisterm to describe working with the prima materia to create the Philosopher’s Stone. But here we are not concerned...
Tarot has always been a vehicle for storytelling, a way to see and understand human experience. The creative potential of tarot is as varied as the people who work with it. THE UNCOMMON TAROT is a contemporary reimagining of the rich symbolism of the Rider Waite Smith tarot. Shaheen Miro's...
This captivating new tarot deck draws us into the vibrant but, often, hidden world of English magic, evoking a golden age of mysticism when the likes of John Dee was Queen Elizabeth's Court Astrologer, antiquarian, John Aubrey, began to rediscover ancient sacred sites and even the great physicist Isaac Newton...
WANDERER'S TAROT was born out of the desire for a tarot deck centred in feminine wisdom and elemental magic. The tarot holds limitless wisdom for spiritual beings of our age, as we face unprecedented changes and opportunities for transformation. The cards are based on traditional tarot symbolism, which has been...
The Weiser Tarot is a new edition of the most popular and influential Tarot art ever created, the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, first published in 1909. The cards have been newly repainted--while, of course, preserving Pamela Colman Smith's original line art--creating a fresh, flowing aesthetic. Additionally, the cards provide Hebrew and astrological...
THE RELATIVE TAROT features vintage 19th-century photographs of ancestors from a wide array of ethnic origins and various walks of life. Its aim is to help you discover your true potential by connecting you with your beloved ancestors. The ancestors come together in the spirit of providing not only answers...
Tarot is best used as a tool for self-discovery, healing, growth, empowerment, and liberation. Tarot archetypes provide the reader with a window into present circumstances and future potential. But what if that window only opened up on a world that was white, European, and heterosexual? The interpretations of the tarot...