


    Weiser Books - For over 65 years has been the premier publisher of books and cards on a wide range of topics from divination and witchcraft to alchemy, astrology, ceremonial magick, folk magic, Kabbalah, Paganism, and the tarot. It was started in the back of the Samuel Weiser Bookstore in 1957 in New York City. The company is currently based in Boston, Massachusetts, and is now an imprint of Red Wheel/Weiser, a publishing group that also includes Conari Press and Disinformation Books.

    Weiser Books (26)

    Learning the Tarot book Weiser Books


    The Book of Thoth Weiser Books


    Tarot for Your Self book Weiser Books


    The Big Book of Tarot Weiser Books


    The Lunar Nomad Oracle Cards And Book Set Weiser Books


    The Alchemical Visions Tarot Cards Weiser Books


    The Uncommon Tarot cards Weiser Books


    The English Magic Tarot cards Weiser Books


    Wanderers Tarot cards Weiser Books


    The Weiser Tarot cards Weiser Books


    Relative Tarot cards Weiser Books


    Queering the Tarot book Weiser Books
