The Inner Compass Cards Watkins Publishing

The Inner Compass Cards Watkins Publishing

€35,60 €41,89
  • SKU: WP15
  • Availability: in stock Many in stock Out of stock You can purchase this product but it's out of stock
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This deck has a very simple yet crucial aim: to help you discover what matters most to you and allow you to live unconditionally according to those values, applying them to your work, relationships, mental health and everyday life. Think of your honest, authentic self as true north and this values deck as your compass, guiding you to what you want to be in the world, what you want to do and how you want to go about doing it.

  • Included:  200 cards, guidebook.
  • Box size: 13.7 x 11.2 x 9.7 cm (5.39'' x 4.4'' x 3.8") (approx). 
  • Weight of the deck: 959 g. (2.1 lbs.) (approx).
  • Plastic coated paper cards.
  • New, sealed. Published in England.
  • 100% authentic, original Watkins Publishing product.

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