Wild Woman Oracle Cards Rockpool

Wild Woman Oracle Cards Rockpool

€23,02 €27,09
  • SKU: RP131
  • Availability: in stock Many in stock Out of stock You can purchase this product but it's out of stock
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Through mythological, folkloric and contemporary tales about empowering female figures who embody the Wild Woman in their own unique ways, The Wild Woman Oracle will awaken you to your true, free and soulful Self. These Wild Women's stories - the losses, victories, and lessons learned - will help you begin to rewrite your own story. You will see how all your life experiences - especially the difficult, dark and uncertain ones - are alchemising into gold … into the invaluable wisdom, fierce self-respect and keen joie de vivre of the Wild Woman.

  • Included: 36 cards, guidebook.
  • Box size: 14.2 x 10.4 x 3.3 cm (5.59'' x 4.09'' x 1.29''). Weight of the deck: 337 g (0.74 lb) ( (approx.).
  • Plastic coated paper cards.
  • Language: English.
  • New, sealed. Made in China.
  • 100% authentic, original Rockpool product.

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